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    Ibrahim Matar Books

Book 1

Jerusalem Theft of Palestinian properties in West and East Jerusalem by Jewish State -1948 to present

Theft of Palestinian properties in West Jerusalem and East Jerusalem by Jewish State : with Map and photos From April to July 1948 by order of Polish migrant to Palestine David Ben Gruen (Gurion) under plan D to ethnically cleanse (depopulate ) the Palestinian villages and neighborhoods of West Jerusalem. All their properties were then seized under the pretext of absentee property under the newly formulated Law of Absentee property. Migrant Jews replaced Palestinian families, Christian and Moslem, and live to this date in their homes and enrich themselves at the expense of the dispossessed. (photos and names of families of such property are illustrated in the book)
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Book 2

The destruction of historical Palestine by European migrants to create a Jewish State in three phases 1917, 1948 & 1967.

The colonization and conquest of Palestine should be regarded as a continuous process that allowed a migrant population mainly from Ukraine and Poland to create the State of Israel at the expense of the indigenous Palestinian people in three phases over the course of the twentieth century. The ground work for the first phase of the colonization of Palestine began at the conclusion of World War I, when Britain issued the Balfour declaration, promising a land to the Jews, a promise of a country that did not belong to Britain to a people who were a tiny minority in Palestine
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Ethnic Cleansing Articles

Selected Pages and images from both my books, documenting the ethnic cleansing of Palestine

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